
Monday, 18 February 2013

Guerilla art project: My Banksy painting

Even though I was meant to have finished my guerilla art project a while back lats week I was painting a brick wall and a Banksy rat this morning at my art group.
I only thought of it very quickly and when I showed a friend of mine the picture she asked where it was because she thought it was an actual brick wall with a Banksy rat on
Anyway, this is the finished product...
Excuse the fact it's on its side. I'll get round to swivelling that round later but for now, I'd love to hear some feed back off you all. I'm getting it framed as well so it would look lovely when that's done. Please tell me if I could improve it in any way :)
Medium: Watercolour on cartridge
Colours used: Burnt umber, Payne's grey, ultra marine, lemon yellow, raw sienna, crimson red.
 Thanks all,
Helen xx


  1. Such a cute piece ! ^^ I've got few fridge magnets with Banksy's art, such a talent. You've accomplished the style perfectly.

    Thank you for joining my followers and the Kukee-necklace giveaway! Good luck :) And happy weekend.

    Indie by heart

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you appreciate my art work. Your blog is excellent by the way, ill be keeping my fingers crossed for your giveaway! xxx
